A Haven of Comfort: Compassionate Care at Life’s Final Journey
In 2009, a small group of community advocates gathered to share their personal stories of loss and agreed on the need for hospice housing in York County. After years of research and planning, Pappus House opened its doors in 2017. The ranch-style home offered 24/7 care, allowing those at the end of life to live fully in a warm and peaceful setting.
The mission of Pappus House is two-fold: to provide nurturing companionship and personal care in a homey environment to those at the end of life, and to support families and loved ones by coordinating services to meet the individual needs of each resident. The goal is to alleviate the emotional and physical burdens of caregiving and work with all hospice and healthcare providers to ensure the best outcomes for each resident and comfort their families.
The longstanding support of Louis Appell, Jr., his family and the Powder Mill Foundation has been foundational in helping Pappus House with its impactful mission from the beginning.
The opening of Pappus House was the culmination of many years of planning and much support, including a seed gift from the Powder Mill Foundation. Our community had embraced a mission that would fulfill a need for quality end-of-life care.
Amy Jansky, Pappus House executive director
Eventually outgrowing the original ranch-style home, Pappus House moved into a new eight-bedroom house to meet the growing demand for care. The Powder Mill Foundation contributed to this successful move by helping Pappus House purchase a property on Big Mount Road in Thomasville, break ground and begin construction.
This expansion was crucial as Pappus House consistently operates at full capacity and had to turn away over 50% of families seeking help due to limited space. The Foundation’s support enabled Pappus House to overcome rising costs to complete the project and open its new doors to families in need.
Support from the Powder Mill Foundation made this all possible. We are grateful for the Powder Mill Foundation’s gifts to this project. Because of the Powder Mill Foundation, these families will find comfort and peace.
Amy Jansky
Now, on a nine-acre property with private bedrooms, rotating beds, patios, specialized bathrooms, a kitchen, a reflection room, gardens and a walking path, Pappus House has every amenity for residents to live fully and enjoy visits from family, friends and pets.
Pappus House is an independent nonprofit that operates through resident care fees, memorial donations, grant funding and other contributions. Many families are unable to afford the cost of care, so the generosity of donors ensures they receive the compassionate support they need.
The Powder Mill Foundation is an extraordinary gift to the York Community. Because of the legacy of Mr. Appell, countless organizations have received crucial funding, directly impacting our community through their missions. Pappus House is honored to be a part of the projects supported by The Power Mill Foundation.
Amy Jansky